Mounting a Windows XP Shared Folder

Greg Ennis PoMec at PoMec.Net
Wed Apr 28 16:25:08 UTC 2004

I have reviewed Adam Gautier's recent post on mounting a Windows shared
document folder on his Linux box with interest.  I have tried to do the
a similar thing for our system but am unable to succeed.

I have xyz set up as a WindowsXP Professional machine, and I am able to
access the
Shared Documents folder on xyz from other Windows machines but have not
been able to mount it with FC1.  I have xyz listed in my hosts file, and
have ALL: xyz : allow in my hosts.allow file.  I have also turned off
iptables to make sure there was no conflict. 

My fstab entry is:
xyz:/    /mnt/ceb    smbfs   noauto,user,user=guest    0 0

When I use the command:

mount xys:/

I receive :

This command is designed to be run from within /bin/mount by giving
the option '-t smbfs'. For example:
  mount -t smbfs -o username=tridge,password=foobar //fjall/test

I have tried to use the syntax in the error message but get the same

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Greg Ennis

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