Taming the mailing lists?

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Wed Apr 28 19:55:54 UTC 2004

On Apr 28, 2004 at 13:00, Elliot Lee in a soothing rage wrote:

>If you feel that the Fedora mailing lists are becoming a little
>unmanageable or are not as valuable as they could be, would you take the
>time to e-mail me with your thoughts on the problem? (private e-mail is
>fine) If you think that there's no problem at all, hearing that opinion 
>would be useful too!
I think it would be good if there was a list of rules detailing what 
was expected of subscribers in term of how to post, posting to the
relevant list etc. As we all know threads get long, so trimming
.sigs and what is not relevant to the conversation helps.
Inline posting - this is a definite yes. Top posting should be a
no-no and explicitely spelt out. Thread hijacking should go the
way of the dodo bird too. 

If we get a set of rules, these should be sent to ppl when they 
subscribe and sent to current users as well. The fact is RH is 
providing resources to us at considerable expense I am sure. Seems a 
few rules on how those resources could be best utilitized is not out 
of place. Hope this could be a starting place.

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