Robert P. J. Day rpjday at mindspring.com
Thu Apr 29 23:10:39 UTC 2004

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Christopher Chan wrote:

> Since I didn't take any of the RH1xx or 2xx courses, I cannot really say 
> much. The RH300 is rather disappointing in that respect...the instructor 
> really did not teach much, I felt, except go over the material and 
> through the practicals.
> So at best it was exposing you to new areas covered by the exam like you 
> say...

while it was some time back, the rationale for the RH300 was a rapid-fire
coverage of all the topics you needed for the RHCE exam.  it was meant to
amalgamate all of the content in the RH033, RH133 and RH253 courses in 
a single 4-day boot camp, if you will.

its goal seemed more as a review, as in, "here's all the stuff you're
going to need" and to fill in any gaps you had.  it was most emphatically
not for those people who needed to *learn* all that stuff.  if you didn't
know the vast majority of that stuff already, you were definitely in the
wrong place.


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