Taming the mailing lists?

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Fri Apr 30 21:04:08 UTC 2004

On Apr 30, 2004 at 00:20, M. Fioretti in a soothing rage wrote:

>On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 17:44:00 PM -0400, ne... (akabi at speakeasy.net) wrote:
>> >A link to Netiquette (trim your lines, proper sigs, and bottom-post)
>> >at the *top* of the message???
>> Considering the amount of top-posters on this list, it might
>> be the only way to get them to change.
>Sorry, no. The only way to get them to change is to *not* answer to
>them, ever, except with polite but firm requests to stop.
I need to learn to insert smileys more often. 

>>I suspect that since they top-post, they only read the top part of
>That's their problem. Why do you suggest to bore people who behave to
>teach the others better manners?
>Just to make things clear: sending again screenfuls of already
>distributed/downloaded/paid lines is much worse than posting on the
>bottom, on the top, laterally, or any combination of them.
I agree with this 110%.

>Top posting is just one of the many things to avoid. To me, however,
>asking to stop top posting by...top posting seems annoying for no
>reason those who don't do it, but also one of the surest ways to make
>people laugh at who does it.
I left out the (-: I need to use them more...

>Of course, you are free to try that approach. Just don't be surprised
>if you are flamed to death (for top posting!) by all the other list
No thanks. I have long since learnt that it is hard for
ppl to change their ways. Some are so obstinate, nothing
will make them change...

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