Port Forwarding issue RESOLVED

Richard Crawford rscrawford at mossroot.com
Thu Apr 21 15:37:29 UTC 2005

Earlier this week I asked how to connect to port 1433 on a remote host running 
MS SQL Server, now that I have dbbrowser up and running (thanks, Philip!), so 
that I can connect to the database via my workstation at home.

It was much easier than I had anticipated.  The command line on my laptop was:

$ ssh -f -N -L 10010:S:1433 richard at R

where S is the host running MS SQL Server, and R is the Linux server that I 
have ssh access to and that has access to S.

The last two tasks I have, and then I can dump my 'Doze box completely and 
work entirely in Linux at home, are:  running IE through Wine (we're a web 
development shop and most of our customers still use IE), and figuring out 
how to get KMail talking to the Exchange server through the firewall (another 
port forwarding issue?) so that I can stop having to use Exchange's crappy 
web interface.

Richard S. Crawford
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