Solved: Gnome Terminal problems

Schlaegel 777tahder at
Fri Apr 29 20:49:10 UTC 2005 :
 > Upstream made a new release of vte so I made these test packages for 
FC3 and FC4. It is too late for FC4test3 but will try to push it into 
FC4. Changes between FC4's previous patched vte and this version are 
very small, but whatever else changed seems to have fixed the most 
common rendering bugs that annoyed me. It even seems both fast and 
smooth when displaying lots of text now.
 > Anyhow if you are annoyed by gnome-terminal's glacial slowness please 
test the above packages. If this proves to be stable this may go into 
FC3 updates soon.

Thank you Warren Togami! I have been frustrated with Gnome Terminal's 
visual glitches for years. Now thanks to your VTE rpm they are gone!

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