How to boot second grub?

av1 at av1 at
Sat Apr 30 15:23:19 UTC 2005

Very sorry, my finger hit "send" too fast and I forgot to type a subject. 

I've been able to set up two FC3's with a single grub, but what I'd really 
like to do is set up a second grub and have the first chainload to the 
second. (I want to play with custom kernels on the second.) 

I have two ide's, hda and hdb. My first fc3 is on hda. I tried installing 
the second fd3 with /boot on hdb1 and / on hdb2. I told anaconda to put the 
second grub on the mbr and used the advanced bootloader screen to reorder 
the drives so it would write it to hdb instead of hda. 

After installing, I went to my first grub.conf and added 

   title Second Fedora
       rootnoveriy (hd1,0)
       chainloader +1 

But when I reboot and select Second Fedora, I get Error 13 invalid or 
unsupported executable format. What did I do wrong? What's the right way to 
set this up? 


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