How can i find out, what files a RPM is provding?

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Tue Feb 1 22:47:36 UTC 2005

>1> Is installed on my system, and

>The answer to question 1 can be found by using locate. If need be, run
>updatedb first to update the locate database, and then use "locate
>" to find any matches.

Another and sometimes simpler answer to this question is using an very old UNIX command: find.

If the OP wants to find the file "" then the command is:

find / -name

This will list out all of the files named  Also running updatedb on a very large system can and does take a long time.

>The answer to the second question can be found by using my original
>solution, "rpm -q --whatprovides /path/to/" (and of course use
>the correct path).

Very eloquent and will tell if the file "" was installed by rpm also.


James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!

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