Core 3 Install Problem

Marc M linuxr at
Wed Feb 2 06:04:36 UTC 2005

It looks like the Logical Volume Manager or Group is having a problem.
 Basically you have the following:

1  PV - physical volume - the basic partiton that gets added to the
LVM.  Typically either a standard primary or logical partition.

2    PE -- physical extent -- subset of a PV, every PV has a bunch of
equal sized pieces of disk space called PE's.  (Although if you have
differrent LV groups, you can also have differrent size PE's)

3    LV  -- logical volume - group of LEs, you can mount something
like /home on an LV.

4    VG  -- volume group -- group of volumes (makes sense).  

THere are 2 ways to create an LVM Volume Group in RHEL3.  

1) set it up during the install (GRAPHICAL MODE) using disk druid; OR
2) it is possible to add them later after the install, (fyi n/a here)

You might try getting around your install problem by actually running
fdisk as early as you can in the install process, maybe from another
terminal window (Ctrl - Alt_ F4 lets say).  If you can get the kernel
into ram (ramdisk) then you should be able to switch to a command
prompt and do these things as root.

1.  Create a physical volume (PV) 
	# pvcreate /dev/hdd       # for example if your hdd is the fourth
device on the chain

THen you should view it with fdisk to see what you have.  If you have
something, try
	# pvcreate /dev/hdd2       # creates a new PV on that partition

2.  Create a volume group with syntax
	# vgcreate volume_group_name /dev/hdd2  /

	add to the size of it with the command
	# vgextend volume_group_name /dev/sda

3.  Create a logical volume with the syntax
	#  lvcreate -l number_of_PEs volume_group_name -n logicalvol

This will create a device called /dev/volume_group_name/logicalvol
ALso make sure that /etc/fstab looks like the following:

LABEL=/home/marc   /home/marc   ext3   defaults   1 2 

Also you should do 

# e2label /dev/volume_group_name/logicalvol   /home/marc

which creates a label for the directory.  

All for now, I hope that helps somewhat. 


On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 14:33:33 -0800, Tom Arnold <tom at> wrote:
> I'm attempting to do an initial install on a Pentium 4 system running 1GB
> memory and 200 GB disk.
> The install fails with this error message on each attempt....
> File :/usr/src/build/475969-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/", line
> 201 in setupDevice raise SystemError, "lvcreate failed for %s: %(,)
> SystemError: lvcreate failed for LogVol00
> /usr/src/build/475969-i386/install/usr/lib/anaconda/
> e)
> -> raise SystemError, "lvcreate failed for %s" %(,)
> I've never had a problem like this in past installations. Any thoughts on
> this would be really helpful.
> --
> Tom Arnold, CISSP, ISSMP, CFS
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> Expert services and system solutions for companies accepting or processing
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