NTP problem - Clock too fast for NTP to keep up?

James Wilkinson james at westexe.demon.co.uk
Thu Feb 10 13:14:01 UTC 2005

Peter Kiem wrote:
> There is also a cpuspeed ticked on in ntsysv so could that be an issue?

> Although this is ticked on in ntsysv it doesn't appear to be running as 
> I cannot find any process called cpuspeed

Not surprising. /etc/rc.d/init.d/cpuspeed explicitly checks if there is
a driver loaded (in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver)
and quits without an error message if it can't find one.

After all, it's not really an *error* that your CPU or kernel doesn't
support speed changes.

And a guest OS has no business changing the CPU speed, since that will
also affect the host OS. And only the host OS is in a position to see
whether the CPU has little enough work that it's practical to scale back
the CPU speed.


James Wilkinson       | Og just boggle how stupid spammer is. How stupid
Exeter    Devon    UK | spamhaus is. How stupid spamhaven is. Og thought
E-mail address: james | there was such thing as "evolution". How all these
@westexe.demon.co.uk  | stupid people still alive? Og boggle. Boggle Og.
                      |     -- Caveman Og

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