(fedora) Re: nvidia kernel driver

Jacob =Jouk Jansen joukj at hrem.stm.tudelft.nl
Fri Feb 11 07:50:45 UTC 2005

Alexander wrote:
>Am Fr, den 11.02.2005 schrieb tyzenhaus um 2:29:
>> I am a newbie in Fedora; where is the place with a list of kernel=20
>> modules which are added into kernel at boot time? I have istalled all=20
>> possible upgrades of FC3 packages via up2date from updates-released-fc3=20
>> channel, 2.6.10-1.760_FC3 kernel included,  and gdm and X servers don't=20
>> work unless I type "modprobe nvidia" in console.
>At the bottom of that documentation page about udev you find an
>instruction for using the NVidia.com driver module. You will need to
>copy the devices for udev (one time and after loading the nvidia module
>using modprobe). Next boot all is fine.

livnia.org made rpm's specially for fedora which can be installed flawless
(at least at my system at home) without doing anything manually. I found the
documentation on a Dutch Fedora web-page

In principle the procedure is : replace your /etc/yum.conf by one which can
reach livnia.org. An example is on the above web-page (choose "mijn
yum.conf" and then "deze yum.conf". 
The 3 steps to install are then
  1) create a terminal
  2) become root (i.e. su)
  3) yum install nvidia-glx kernel-module-nvidia-`(uname -r)`

Everytime when you update your kernel give the following command before
starting the kernel (as root ofcourse)

 yum install kernel-module-nvidia-`(rpm -q --queryformat="%{version}-%{release}\n" kernel | tail -n 1)`

Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others.


  Jouk Jansen
  joukj at hrem.stm.tudelft.nl

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