bug or feature?

Kevin Fries kevin at
Mon Feb 14 05:59:00 UTC 2005

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Arthur Pemberton wrote:

| I just yumed my way to the latest FC3 release of OpenOffice
| (BTW...thanks to whoever fixed the paste bug). After yum was all
| done I went ahead and start Calc from the menu (I use KDE). Calc
| loaded very quickly ( I estimate that the splash screen lasted for
| only about 25% of it's previous times). However Calc loaded to this
| very scary screen. I used kSnapshot and uploaded the result:
| . Now normally,
| loading an OpenOffice program from the menu leads to a new document
| being opened up for the approprate app. So I had never before seen
| this screen. Having been in windows for awhile (3.1 to WinME) bad
| habits die slow, so I rebooted the machine. I know I don't have to
| reboot to implement an upgrade but still. Came back up, and got the
| same result. I decided to open a document, since the simple file
| menu in oocalc was active, and it open the file as normal. Was also
| able to open a new doc etc.
| But what I want to know is is thsi new behavior correct? It
| certainly isn't user friendly. I don't won't to go filing  abug
| report prematurely.

After reading your post and some replies, it got me wondering, so, I
upgraded my system.  I now have 1.1.3 and while I am seeing the speed
increase, I am not getting any of the other behavior.  I get the
toolbars and a blank document just like before, and I also can open a
spreadsheet from the word processor.

The only difference is that I round-canned yum long ago and use apt to
update.  But I did confirm that it is version 1.1.3.  So, I would say
it is more likely the way your repository configured OO.o

Kevin Fries

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