Linux sucks?

Gerald Thompson geraldlt at
Mon Feb 14 07:32:38 UTC 2005

Kunal Shah wrote:

>Major problem using Linux as server is the Support. As such we don't
>have proper support for Linux operating system. I understand that we do
>have lot of users and mailing list and people involved with Linux
>community are kind enough to share experience and solutions however,
>what about SLA ( Service Level Agreement)? .
>Although I know Linux is much more stable them windows, I cannot
>convince my upper management to use it because of only one question. If
>anything goes wrong in production, what is our SLA to resolve the issue
>and get it back on board.
ummm, you do know that Red Hat Enterprise and Suse Enterprise are under 
SLA.  That is the whole point, when you do RHE or SE you pay for an SLA 
contract not the software.  They are not charging you for the software 
they are charging you for the SLA agreement for one year.  You can also 
get multi-year SLA's too.

Yes if you use Debian or Fedora for your server you don't have an SLA, 
but neither Debian or Fedora try to portray themselves as the ultimate 
solution for businesses.  If you need a business class OS with an SLA, 
that is what Red Hat and Suse have been selling for all these years, 
they sell an SLA with Linux.  Seriously I am astonished that I would 
have to point this out to anyone.


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