Linux sucks? <depending on what you are trying to do!>

Jason Powers powers.jason at
Mon Feb 14 12:47:02 UTC 2005

Actually the parent post asked a valid question even if the Subject 
header was a little peurile. There hasn't been a significant amount of 
flame, since he asked for links and counterarguments against "Windows 
Sucks." No one even went and told him to do his own homework.

Of course rather than skim over a bit of the thread and realize it's not 
really a flame war before replying, you chose to be a dick. Normally I 
consider this its own punishment. However, recent circumstances will not 
permit me to resist replying: We JUST finished building a dialup server 
here for testing purposes, and having jumped through many hoops, also 
set up hylafax as an experiment for a larger server to come.

It's a shame there isn't anyone politely asking about it, what with all 
these notes and documentation lying around on my desk. Oh well, into the 
trash it goes.

Anyone up for a healthy round of OS X bashing?

Chadley Wilson wrote:
> On Sunday 13 February 2005 23:16, Dennis Shaw wrote:
> You know this "linux sucks?" thread may be informative and you guys can all 
> get the latest new and updates and do all the comparing you like.
> But while you waste a bit of band with a bit of time, there are some of us 
> that really need assistance, Since you guys are the brains here and have all 
> the answers,
> Why don't you try and help out in a contructive way. 
> I have for three or four days, been posting for support with setting up a 
> dial-in server and have had one or two replies which have not helped solve 
> the problem. The one person is on the other side of the worl to me, So when 
> he answers I sleep and when I ask he sleeps. 
> Now I am hunting for any new replies and there aren't any, WHY? because the 
> brains of Fedora are debating "Linux sucks?"
> Why don't one of you, with the most brains of course, start a fedora flame 
> list.
> The benfits this will have to the community are as follows:
> 1. Less traffic on the main list
> 2. All flames will be gathered in one place for easy access
> 3. Developers could look through the flame wars and look for valid urguments 
> thus improving the software.
> 4. Those of us who are generally not interested in debating and only seek to 
> provide contructive help or be helped contructively, can do in peace.
> 5. All of you can blast each other all day with out being disturbed by some 
> like me.
> Now must I repost my dial-in server problem or will some one Please look it up 
> and see if you can see what is wrong?
> Thank You 
> for your time 
> and sorry for butting in.

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