Thank you for your help

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Mon Feb 14 18:24:25 UTC 2005

-----Original Message-----
>From: thebearwitchproject <thebearwitchproject at>
>Sent: Feb 14, 2005 11:17 AM
>To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list at>
>Subject: Thank you for your help 
>This has nothing to do exactly with FC or the thank
>you. I am slightly confused over support for Linux and
>Epson. I have been on the phone to epson, told they
>don't support Linux, yet went to the website and there
>are instructions on how to get their printers working
>with Linux. why do hey say they don't give any support
>for linux, yet they do on their website? Is it just
>Epson or do other printer manufacturers do the same

This is the case for most manufacturers.  The phone support (or e-mail) support staff do not know what is on the web support site.  In cases like this, I gently advise them "Support for Linux is available through your web site, were you aware of this?"  In some cases, I get a great pause on the other end of the phone, and then a "Wow, you are right, I did not know that!" answer.  I get about the same in an e-mail message, along with a 'Thank you for bringing this to our attention.' 

>Again thanks everyone who helped, it was greatly

Welcome to Fedora and don't hesitate to ask for assistance as you need it.  Just make sure your topic addresses the issue you have so we can respond out here quickly.


James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!

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