Comments on bug 140214 - the removal of X utilities?

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Mon Feb 21 19:47:02 UTC 2005

Bryan Ischo said:
> There just doesn't seem to me
> to be a cause an effect here - so *may* be removing these
> programs at *some indefinite time* in the future.  How is that
> a reason for removing them from Fedora Core's packaging of the
> software *now*?

This is no different than other packages (i.e. kernel features).  If
upstream has plans to remove a feature, it is best to get that change in
as early as possible to see the effects.

To quote Mike "In the future, when X.Org X11 is modularized for X11R7...".
 That doesn't sound anything like "so *may* be removing these
> programs at *some indefinite time* in the future".  That sounds more
like will be removing them for the X11R7 release.

>>> Why pre-emptively remove
>>> them without providing for any other place to put them?
>> Read the bug again.  The place for them would be Fedora Extras.  Now
>> you just have to get one of the people that is intersted in using them
>> interested in maintaining them.
> If the place for them is in Fedora Extras, then why arent't they there
> now?

Packages don't just get magically updated by being moved to Extras.  There
has to be someone to maintain them.  If someone is interested in doing the
work to maintain a package for Extras then they can do so.  Putting a
package in and hoping someone takes care of it is not a good thing.

> Why remove programs without setting up the RPMs for them in Fedora
> Extras?

Maybe no one wants to maintain it.  If so, then it will never be in
Extras.  There is no sense in waiting on someone to step up because you
will be waiting a long time.

> It doesn't seem to make alot of sense to remove programs without
> first ensuring that they have a place in their new more appropriate
> location.

It make perfect sense.  This way if it is important enough to someone they
will step up and do it.  If you wait around for someone to volunteer you
will be waiting a long time, because everyone will assume that it will be
in Core forever.

William Hooper

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