Missing cdrom

Gene Poole b06gtp at FDS.com
Wed Feb 23 21:32:37 UTC 2005

This box was running very well on Red Hat Linux 9 when I did an upgrade to
Fedora Core 3.  The upgrade went perfectly until I started using the box
for productive work and discovered that the cdrom is missing from
/mnt/cdrom (where it was originally) and there is no reference to it in the
/dev directory. I'm not screaming yet because I found it in the side pane
of the root Nautilus GUI file manager window under KDE.

I cannot find an example of the MAKEDEV command so I can get /mnt/cdrom
back linked off of /dev/hdd.  Does anyone know how to get the 'real' cdrom

Gene Poole
gene.poole at fds.com

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