Trying to add additional pkgs and getting an interdependency error?

Paul Howarth paul at
Thu Feb 24 17:17:24 UTC 2005

Matt Considine wrote:
> Having originally installed FC3/Gnome from the CDs and selected the 
> "Desktop" configuration, I would now like to add some of the apps from 
> the "Workstation" configuration (specifically, the s/w development tools).
> As root, I go to Applications | System Settings | Add/Remove 
> Applications, let it do it's thing, and then select the relevant package 
> choices.  (I'm not drilling down and trying to second-guess it's default 
> selections.)

The "Add/Remove Applications" tool is basically broken - it falls over 
once you've installed updated packages. Solution: use yum or up2date 

> Now, when it is going through it's dependency checks, it tells me there 
> are a number of things that need to be installed first.  But when I do 
> an "rpm -q <packagename>" I get a message that it's installed.
> Can anyone tell me a) what I'm doing wrong or b) assuming the answer is 
> "nothing" tell me how to 1) get around the issue, 2) force it to install 
> whatever it needs first, and/or 3) suggest a better way of getting the 
> packages installed?

# yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

By default this will download the packages from the Internet. If you've 
got plenty of disk space, you could try setting up a local [base] 
repository based on your CD contents, e.g. using the method shown at


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