An update is needed Fedora!

Giulio Sorrentino numerone.fedora at
Thu Feb 24 19:30:03 UTC 2005

Rene Bon Ciric (Renich) wrote:

>Ok major breakthrough!
>I have installed all the RPMs generated by theese SRPMs:
>mysql-4.1.9-1.src.rpm            php-5.0.3-2.src.rpm
>mysqlclient10-3.23.58-4.src.rpm  sqlite3-3.0.8-3.src.rpm
>Now, I will post the phpinfo output so that you can see something that is important.
>For those who don't know this, php uses "mysqli" extension to manage mysql-4.1.x queries. THIS MODULE IS NOT INCLUDED... so i can't use mysql 4.1 with php5
>I have noticed that the extensions are loaded dynamically. you just have to make a x.ini in a directory listed in the phpinfo file (i think is /etc/php.h/modules).
>There, you can find the extension but not the I would like to try and build the extension to see if it works. I know i can't use mysql and mysqli at the same time, so it doesn't matter anyway.
>For the rest (php5), so far works great!
>one more thing. In the directory "/usr/src" there was only the "redhat" directory... now i can see anotherone called "debug" and it contains the following dirs:
/usr/src is the directory in which sources of programs should be keept. 
The redhat directory (and it's subdirectories) are created by rpmbuild 
SOURCES rpm are installed in src subdirectories, the file with 
specification for build rpm package (specfile) is installed in SPECS 
subdirectory and BUILD subdirectory is the working directory.
In SRPMS are putted all sources file built and in RPMS the binary rpm.
If you want to clear directories, now, you can.

>mysql-3.23.58  php-5.0.3
>any suggestions or ideas?
>phpinfo output file:

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