Fedora- redhat Linux

Toralf Lund toralf at procaptura.com
Thu Feb 24 21:05:24 UTC 2005

Craig Thomas wrote:

>On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 16:46 +0100, Duncan Lithgow wrote:
>>The important tip that I didn't get for ages was using typing
>># su -
>>1. '#' means 'you're logged in as a user'
>>2. '$' means 'you're logged in as root'
>I think you've said that backwards ;] 
>[my FC3 machine]
>[cwt at jaja ~]$ su -
>[root at jaja ~]#
Yup. Notice, though, that with the original Fedora Core 3 setup, the 
prompt won't get changed correctly if you are using (t)csh. Fixed in one 
of the updates, I think.

>>4. If you type
>># su -
>>it will ask you for your root password and behave as if you'd loged in 
>>as root. I don't understand why but it works better than
>># su root
>su - gets root's shell, su keeps the user's.  
>Which means, among other things, your environment variables are still
>your own user's.
>I'm sure some else can explain better, but basically su isn't really
>'becoming' root.

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