weird yum update

Jason Powers powers.jason at
Fri Feb 25 01:00:28 UTC 2005

I'm trying to install fc3 x86_64 on my athlon64 at home. Installation 
goes ok, still working on the Nvidia 6800GT drivers, but everything else 
works well. So basically the first thing I do is check the repo 
directory and then run "yum -y update" to get the system up to date.

It runs through the headers and such, then shows the list of updates, 
then right before it starts grabbing the packages, I see this:

Other Transactions:
   Obsoleting: boost.i386 0:1.31.0-9 with boost.i386 0:1.32.0-1.fc3
   Obsoleting: boost.x86_64 0:1.31.0-9 with boost.i386 0:1.32.0-1.fc3
   Obsoleting: boost-devel.x86_64 0:1.31.0-9 with boost.i386 0:1.32.0-1.fc3

Does it make sense that it seems to be replacing the x86_64 version of 
boost with the i386 one?

It grabbed boost-1.32.0-1 for both i386 and x86_64 as the first two 
packages it downloaded, I'm just not sure if it's about to overwrite the 
64bit with the 32bit version.

Jason Powers

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