How to change xterm font ?

Deron Meranda deron.meranda at
Fri Feb 25 15:01:53 UTC 2005

To make it permament and set the default (so you don't need any
command-line options),
add an entry to your ~/.Xresources file.  Something like,

   XTerm*Font:    -*-courier-*-r-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*

Your ~/.Xresources file is read when you log into X.  You can cause X to
re-read it at any time by running the command,

   xrdb -load ~/.Xresources

Perhaps the easiest way to get the idstring of the font is to run the
command 'xfontsel'.  The most important fields to set are the encoding
(which for ASCII-like you'll want probably either iso8859 or iso10646);
the spacing/spc (anything but 'p' which is proportional), and of course
the size (either pxsiz or ptsiz).

Deron Meranda

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