long wait for log out window

Angelo Machils angelus at sangreal.demon.nl
Sun Feb 27 22:06:15 UTC 2005

> Message: 17 Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 15:31:11 -0600 From: Jonathan Berry 
> <berryja at gmail.com> Subject: Re: long wait for log out window To: For 
> users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list at redhat.com> Message-ID: 
> <8767947e050227133133616881 at mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; 
> charset=US-ASCII On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 22:12:53 +0100, Angelo Machils 
> <angelus at sangreal.demon.nl> wrote:
>>> Hello there!
>>> Since a while (since 2.6.10-1.766_FC3???) I have noticed that when I
>>> choose 'Log Out' from the window in Gnome (running on FC3 x86-64, fully
>>> updated) it takes a very long time before the actual window (where you
>>> can choose either to logout, halt or restart the system) appears. I'm
>>> talking several minutes here, and during that time I can also choose
>>> nothing from the menu, but for the rest the system works without a
>>> fault. Top says the system is pretty much idle, so it's not a
>>> performance problem.
>>> Does anyone else have this problem? Is it a known bug?
>>> Kind regards, Angelo
>Hi Angelo,
>No, I have not seen anything like this.  In fact, I just checked and
>with updatedb banging on the disk, it only took very little time
>(almost no delay) to bring up the logout window in Gnome for me
>(though it took a considerably longer time for the menu to actually
>pop up to click on logout :)).  I'm running 766_FC3 on x86_64 as well.
>You can also bring up this dialog with the command:
>gnome-session-save --kill
>You might try doing an strace on this to see if you can find where it
>is hanging:
>strace gnome-session-save --kill
>This should scroll by a lot of stuff.  Take note of any places that it
>hangs.  For me, stuff scrolls by until the dialog comes up.  You can
>then run it again and direct the output to a file:
>strace gnome-session-save --kill 2> logout.txt
>which will put everything in logout.txt so you can post info to the
>list or see more of what is going on, just remember where you noticed
>it hang before.  In another terminal, you can also run "tail -f
>logout.txt" to see what is being printed to the file so you could
>perhaps run it only once.  If nothing looks obvious, send more info to
>the list.

Thank you for the reply. Weird thing, when I use the command, there is 
no waiting for the dialog to popup and also the response to the choice I 
take in the dialog is immidiate..... Only when I choose it from the menu 
I experience this delay.

Kind regards, Angelo

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