Fedora Core brevity vs server upgrades

John Summerfied debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Wed May 4 21:49:58 UTC 2005

William Hooper wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote:
>>On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 08:32, William Hooper wrote:
>>>>>Update lists mirrors; it seems that Yum downloads a fresh list each
>>>>> time (yuck, I'd rather see the list in an rpm that's updated as
>>>>>needed), so that should be a quick fix. Once a mirror fixes its
>>>>>problems, relist it.
>>>>Does yum pick a mirror at random now?
>>>It is configured to do that be default now, yes.
>>Ouch - that is very cache-unfriendly.
> It is much, much more mirror friendly, though.

It's hopeless. Mirrors that only serve their country or smaller 
geographic region are excluded. Such as Planetmirror, Australia's 
larget, AARNET that serves Australia's education community, WAIX that 
serves select Western Australian IAPs (those who contribute) along with 
eqquivalents in other Australian states.

Enzed has Enzed-only mirrors too.

It's hopeless. I'm on dialup, There is no possibility of my 
well-configured Squid caching stuff, and there is too much to 
realistically download stuff multiple times.

In contrast, Debian uses several of Australia's mirrors, with no drama 
at all.

For folk in my position, apt-get has an option to print the URIs for 
required packages. Its not good for "the average user" but itbeats not 
having the capability.I don't see a way of doing that with yum.

My laptop, I update at work. For home, _I_ could set a local repository, 
but that is not a good general solution. It's only one a geek would 
think good.




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