*** glibc detected *** problem

Enrico Pisoni enrico.pisoni at ing.unibs.it
Wed May 11 14:06:29 UTC 2005

I'm a PhD student, and I'm working with Linux Fedora Core 3.

I've a problem...

I've compiled a meteorological model using Intel Fortran Compiler 
8.1...and everything is ok...

The model can be used in 4 different configurations...and for 3 of them 
everything is ok....
but using the 4th configuration, I received this message error:
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x093efc48 ***
forrtl: error (76): IOT trap signal

What does it means?
Is it a problem of the operative system? or of C libraries? or of 
Fortran? or of the Sourc Code?

Thank you

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