OT: Compaq Proliant "loses" memory when more PCI cards installed???

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Mon May 16 16:31:31 UTC 2005

Am Mo, den 16.05.2005 schrieb Thomas Cameron um 17:58:

> I noticed that when it boots, the system counts 4GB memory, but after
> POST is says that there are only 3.6GB.  I called HP about it and they
> said that the system reserves a chunk of memory for each PCI card.  I
> pulled the video and sound cards, and sure enough, the system saw more
> memory.

This is a limitation of the 32bit world. The system I/O address space
has to be mapped into the available memory space, from top limit 4GB
down. Often this is even a fixed memory space of 512MB.

> So my question is - what's up with this?  Why do none of my other
> machines act this way?  I've got workstations from Dell and other
> servers from HP that don't do this.  Those machines don't have PCI-X
> slots though.  I assume that is relevant.  Anyone got an explanation as
> to why this machine is reserving so much darned memory for the PCI
> cards?  I am seriously tempted to yank the motherboard and drop in
> another one from Intel or someone like that.  I paid a lot of money for
> the 4GB memory and I want all of it, you know?  :-)

Those other systems may have PAE implementations in hardware / BIOS?

> Thomas


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG http://pgp.mit.edu 0xB366A773
legal statement: http://www.uni-x.org/legal.html
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.14_FC2smp 
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