Compile a driver

Paul paul at
Wed May 18 11:22:47 UTC 2005


> Could someone please help with a adaptec driver upgrade.
> This is the first time I am building a driver. I've tried to find how
> to build one but so far no luck. Can some please help me?

Is it a kernel module? If it is, ensure you have kernel-'unname
-r'-devel installed (you can grab it via yum). Dearchive the
source, ./configure (the script should pick up where the kernel sources
are), make, su, make install. /sbin/ldconfig.

If it's not a kernel driver, just go from the "Dearchive the source"


"Space", it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how
vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big space really is. I mean, you may
think it's a long way down the road to the chemists, but that's just
*peanuts* compared to space, listen" - Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
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