Yum Dependency Hell

Michael Schwendt mschwendt.tmp0501.nospam at arcor.de
Sat May 21 10:43:51 UTC 2005

On Fri, 20 May 2005 15:50:12 -0700, Richard Crawford wrote:

> I installed amarok via yum earlier today, then discovered that it would not 
> play MP3 files.  I did some research and found that I needed 
> kdemultimedia-extras to play MP3s.  Unfortunately, executing yum install 
> kdemultimedia-extras gives me a ton of dependencies that are not satisfied, 
> including amarok.

kdemultimedia-extras does not depend on amarok in any way. You are likely
misreading yum's output.

> How can Amarok be an unsatisfied dependency when I just 
> installed it?

To upgrade a package means that a new package replaces an old package.
The new package is installed, the older one is removed. Now, the older
package also has dependencies with other packages, and when you remove it,
this may break dependencies, too. For instance, if the upgrade package is
insufficient or incompatible and if the older installed version is needed
by other installed packages.

What exactly you're seeing cannot be guessed without seeing yum's output.

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