colors work for ls, but not in man

John Smith xystring at
Sat May 28 11:13:39 UTC 2005

I have no colors in man, but do have in ls. For example "ls
--color=tty" works fine in an xterm and produces colors, but I have
none in man pages. Since it works for ls I guess it's not xterm
specific. Also, in vi there are colors, but when going into insert
mode, the line at the bottom that says -- INSERT --  is bold, not

I have FC3 with the latest updates installed and have tried copying
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color to ~/.Xresources  and
~/.Xdefaults and setting

*VT100*colorULMode: on
*VT100*underLine: off
*VT100*colorBDMode: on

but didn't work, still no colors in man. Where is this thing set to
color underline and bold attributes?

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