Yum and EXTRAS

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Mon May 30 20:12:52 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

|>Have one question, does it make sense to add the Fedora Extras to the

| It makes perfect sense to add Fedora Extras to your yum configuration.
| Many applications went from Core to Extras, so at least from FC4 onwards
| you would easily miss some things when not using the Extras repository.

There is one potential problem with Extras AIUI -- it does not offer
Redhat's idea of Forbidden Fruits like mplayer.

Considering the realities of being Redhat and having VC money that's
probably a reasonable situation.  However AIUI Extras will not cooperate
with the Dag/RPMforge repos for example, which do offer mplayer, about
packaging decisions and conventions.  Therefore mixing packages from
Extras and third-party repos potentially will generate conflicts in
library names and so on.  (Of course one can say the same about all
non-Fedora repos, except there is a willingness to cooperate on
conventions amongst some other repos as shown by the RPMforge axis).

Please correct me if I have the wrong idea, but that is my understanding
and is so something to consider about taking packages from Extras.

- -Andy
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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