Yum and EXTRAS

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Tue May 31 07:22:18 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 21:12 +0100, Andy Green wrote:
> Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> |>Have one question, does it make sense to add the Fedora Extras to the
> | It makes perfect sense to add Fedora Extras to your yum configuration.
> | Many applications went from Core to Extras, so at least from FC4 onwards
> | you would easily miss some things when not using the Extras repository.
> There is one potential problem with Extras AIUI -- it does not offer
> Redhat's idea of Forbidden Fruits like mplayer.
> Considering the realities of being Redhat and having VC money that's
> probably a reasonable situation.  However AIUI Extras will not cooperate
> with the Dag/RPMforge repos for example, which do offer mplayer, about
> packaging decisions and conventions.  Therefore mixing packages from
> Extras and third-party repos potentially will generate conflicts in
> library names and so on.  (Of course one can say the same about all
> non-Fedora repos, except there is a willingness to cooperate on
> conventions amongst some other repos as shown by the RPMforge axis).
> Please correct me if I have the wrong idea, but that is my understanding
> and is so something to consider about taking packages from Extras.

Packages in Fedora Extras are built with the knowledge that third
parties will be wanting to provide things like MP3 support (and indeed
that users demand it), so it's likely that livna (which has historically
been compatible with fedora.us/Extras) will fill that gap nicely.

It's also worth bearing in mind that the Fedora Extras repo will be
enabled by default in FC4 (out next week) and later releases.

Paul Howarth <paul at city-fan.org>

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