what is the fastest fedora/redhat distribution on a PII 300 Mhz, 196MB RAM laptop?

Marc M linuxr at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 21:01:11 UTC 2005

Thats a very tough question. If you want a distro that is rpm based then you 
have a lot of distros to compare if you truly want to do things 
scientifcally I would throw one of the newer Fedoras or RHEL distros on 
there and be done. Unless you are NASA or the like, you probably aren't 
gonna be measuring meaningful distinctions between the two. Something newer 
would be better in my opinion since (unlike windows) the newer the distro 
the more of an expectation of hardware compatibility you can have, and newer 
doesn't necessarily equate to greedier, resource-wise. The newer the distro 
the more flexibile and modular the whole os and kernel will be, not to 
menion optimization which is a whole body of research all to itself. 


On 9/8/05, malahal at us.ibm.com <malahal at us.ibm.com> wrote:
> I don't need any new features. Anything from RedHat7.3 and up should be
> fine for me.
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