OT - has my email domain been hijacked?

Schlaegel 777tahder at schlaegel.com
Thu Sep 15 22:02:18 UTC 2005

On 9/15/05, Paul Howarth <paul at city-fan.org> wrote:
> Does this not result in the trashing of *all* bounces, not just
> backscatter?

Yea, it trashes all bounces. I did what I had to do. I can only
remember one legitimate bounce message in my history of sending email,
so for me it was a small loss.

> Note that the term "Joe Job" really applies to cases where the spammer
> is deliberately trying to pass off the spam as originating by the
> purported sender...

I get between 1000 and 3000 bounces a day, so I figure it is a joe-job
rather than random hits.
My joe-job has gone on for months and months. There was one week where
it all stopped. I rejoiced! Then it all started again. Now I don't
really care, because of the spamassassin rules. Yea for spamassassin!

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