Mail server

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Sun Sep 18 17:34:46 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 04:55, Abilash Praveen M wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie to linux. I'd been using Centos for a couple of weeks.
> Now I've changed my box to FC4. I however do not have enough
> experience in handling mail servers. I have setup everything except
> the mail server. I already have my MX changed to point to this box..
> but I'm not sure how I would setup all emails to
> someone at come to my nix box. 

The sendmail setup should be the same for fedora or Centos.  They
ship sendmail intentionally broken so as not to accept any
mail from outside sources.   The first step, if you haven't
already done it, is to fix the broken part.  Be sure you have
installed the sendmail-devel package
  yum install sendmail-devel
In /etc/mail/ change:
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
and execute 'make' to rebuild, then
put all the domain names you wish to accept
in the /etc/mail/local-host-names file and
restart sendmail (note that you must restart sendmail after
changing or local-host-names but not most of
the other files).

To permit outbound email, edit /etc/mail/access
and add lines like
192.168.0 	RELAY
for all your internal network addresses that should
be able to forward mail though this box.  (Other addresses
will only be able to send to destinations configured
as local).  Run 'make' again to rebuild the access database.
> I have sendmail (iam not sure if sendmail is used to accept incomming
> emails) and I created a in the local domains list. I
> think created an alias somone and asked it to send emails to my
> hotmail address. So, I assumed that when I send an email to
> someone at it would go to my hotmail address. But it
> doesn't happen to be so. I don't get a undelivered message.. but it
> seems to have gone into the queue for unknown reasons.

Look at /var/log messages to see what is happening. When things
are in the queue you can
sendmail -v -q
to force a delivery attempt and watch the responses.

> Can I request you please to help me out setting up my email server? I
> might need to also host my emails once I succeed with this
> sub. I might probably need pop3 access too. I found that centos was
> not very much helpful for me.. but i'm not sure if FC4 list would help
> me cuz I might sound too newbie????

Centos/fedora should have no differences in capabilities or
configuration.  Because of the nature of the distributions
you'll probably find more people running servers on the
centos list.  And anyone who successfully rebuilds a (even with the handy tools) shouldn't be consided
a newbie.

  Les Mikesell
   lesmikesell at

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