Vague NFS problems

Stephen Walton stephen.walton at
Wed Sep 28 16:10:15 UTC 2005

I am having some odd problems on an all-FC4 set of systems which I'm 
tempted to attribute to NFS.

1.  Attempts to compile a large package stored on an NFS-mounted home 
directory threw gcc errrors which were clearly due to the file being 
corrupted when read from the server:  odd unprintable characters in the 
error message which were not in the original file, for example.

2.  I have a local yum archive mounted via NFS, and after doing the 
equivalent of the following via a script:

 cp new-package.rpm /my-local-archive
createrepo my-local-archive
yum install new-package

yum complains that the package fails its checksum test.  A second, 
immediate, manual "yum install new-package" works fine.

There's nothing definite or reproducible enough here to warrant a 
bugzilla entry, but has anyone seen anything like this before?

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