how do you make the keyboard shortcuts work? (FC4)

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Thu Sep 29 22:46:47 UTC 2005

Tim wrote:

>> That appears to work.  Though still doesn't help me with one or two
>> useful buttons on this keyboard (e.g. un/mute the sound, volume
>> up/down).

Tony Nelson:

> "Mute" isn't all it's cracked up to be.  For me, it just sets the volume to
> 0, and there is no "Unmute", only the volume up.  (On my keyboard there are
> no volume and mute buttons, so I use the otherwise useless Search,
> Favorites, and Web/Home.)

I could live with that.  My main interest for mute is to quickly shut up
the computer when I answer the phone.

There are other buttons on the keyboard I thought I'd try out, though
I've never used similar ones on a Windows box (ones to open the mail
client, web browser, search, back and forth buttons, three confusing
ones with a moon [sleep?], computer icon [wakeup?] and a calculator.
None of which I could make do anything, not that I particularly cared.
It was just that they were there...

But there are a few more buttons which sounded a bit more useful (mute,
volume up & down), and some more that I might use too (stop, play/pause,
back track, forward track).  I can get XMMS to notice the play/pause
button with some xmms-acme RPM, which is useful (allows me to answer the
phone without the computer making a racket), but it doesn't pay
attention to any other key presses.

Actually, I wouldn't mind if the global key shortcut preferences didn't
do much, so long as any application I would like to control let me
choose my shortcut keys.  Too many applications seem to pick weird keys
for common functions.

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