Firefox and JRE

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at
Fri Aug 11 22:42:51 UTC 2006

On Friday 11 August 2006 21:06, Walt wrote:
> On Friday 11 August 2006 11:20, Nigel Henry wrote:
> > This is going on FC2, and using the JRE on Firefox
> >
> > I can no longer find the Stanton Finley page for installing general stuff
> > on Google, and believe there are tips for installing Java there, if
> > someone can provide the link.
> Nigel:
> It has worked well for me.
>   walt

Hi Walt. I'm still getting complaints from this french learning site about 
missing plugins for using IRC. The JRE plugin is installed 
in /usr/java/jre1.5.0_06/plugin/i386/ns7/, and have  
created the link to it from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ 
I've also copied the plugin directly to Firefox plugins, but no go.

Stanton also said to test the JRE plugin at, and click the start button. But I 
can't find one, and there's a window on the page saying "do you want to 
install the plugin?" As far as I know, if thats referring to JRE, it's 

I must admit, that I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment, not sure whether the 
JRE is required by this french site to use IRC, and have no way to check 
whether the JRE is working. Doh.


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