Internet Connection Failure

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Tue Aug 1 01:21:33 UTC 2006

dragontale wrote:
> I have a problem with my internet connection. I just recently configured my Linksys router with a "WEP" key and secured it on Windows XP. Here is what I did:
> 1. I opened up my web browser and typed in
> 2. Typed in username and password and logged in.
> 3. Went to wireless settings and gave it a WEP key.
> 4. Saved it and I exit out of browser.
> 5. Went to my wireless configurations and saw that it was secured and had a WEP key which is what I want. Internet seems ok.
> Everything seems to be working fine on Windows after I configured it. But when I boot to Fedora Core 4, I can't connect to the net. I know that the configuration some how had an affect. Anyway, I normally would type in "/sbin/ifup wlan0" in terminal to activate the internet but it doesn't work this time. It gave me the following error:
> "Determining IP information for wlan0.....failed"
> I don't know what to do or where to begin to fix this. I have a Linksys router and I use Netgear MA111.
You have to set up Linux to use the WEP key as well. Without the
proper key, your router is not giving you DHCP information.
Basically, it is not letting you on the network. I am not sure what
the wireless setups tools are on FC4, but if nothing else, you can
use iwconfig to get your interface up and running, at least until
you reboot, or someone tells you the correct tool to use on FC4.


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