Fetchmail problems

Anne Wilson cannewilson at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Aug 1 09:17:17 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 01 August 2006 07:37, James Wilkinson wrote:
> How are you running fetchmail? From cron? If so, how often?
From cron, on a otherwise-lightly used server box for imap, every 5 minutes.  
Most of the time it's fine, but sometimes there are a number of these 
messages created over a period of 10-15 minutes.

> The last error message sounds as though you're trying to run one
> fetchmail before the previous one has finished. It took me seven minutes
> today to download all my email, over a 1 Mb/s link to an Athlon 64 3200.
> Can you add -vv to your fetchmail command line for a bit, so you get
> more logging output? That might help you spot the problem.
I suspect time-outs.  Maybe Tiscali are sometimes slow to respond.  Would that 
give the 'socket error' message?  I wish I knew what that meant.  I'd have a 
much better idea then of what was happening.

Next time I see a bunch of these coming in I'll try the -vv from a console and 
see if it tells me any more.

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