update software

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Tue Aug 1 10:33:39 UTC 2006

Waqas Toor wrote:
> i think Matthew Miller is a bit close to my point what i am asking.
> sorry if i couldnt make you guyz understand. now the complete scenario
> the thing is i want a script that will parse a webpage to get the
> latest version , now i can do it easly in php or pearl or python etc
> ... but the thing is the freakin requirement of my client is that to
> write only bash script.. now how to parse a webpage to get the latest
> version,
> say the webpage in some part says ... current version: 2.3.2  now in
> php i can parse the webpage to get a this point. now as i am totally
> dumb in bash etc so needed help ... i hope i am making my problem more
> clear :)

I have a bash script that I use to keep track of the latest versions of 
a number of packages that I build myself. It has a data directory where 
it downloads the "download" page for each application, plus a "versions" 
file where it keeps track of the current versions of everything.

When run, it makes a new copy of the "versions" file and compares it 
with the previous version to tell me what's new.

It's all very hacky but it works for me. Script attached.


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