Need help. Wireless does not work after kernel upgrade[Scanned]

Andrew Robinson awrobinson-ml at
Tue Aug 1 17:06:02 UTC 2006

Chris Bradford wrote:
> Tobias Bocanegra wrote:
>> - have you tried to reinstall the windows driver?
>> - what does a plain: 'iwconfig' say?
>>> How do I rescue my ndiswrapper?
> There is no need to use ndiswrapper with the latest kernel.  I use a 
> Broadcom 4306 wifi card and native linux drivers.
> The broadcom drivers are included all you need is firmware. Check out my 
> website for more information, the process is very simple.

Reloading the windows driver fixed my problem. Thank you very much, Tobias.

Chris, I'm running FC4, so yum would not find a bcm43xx-fwcutter 
package. I would suppose that if the kernel knows about bcm43xx, it 
could be made to work on FC4. However, that would require more effort 
than I have time for now. I intend to try it when I upgrade to FC5. But 
I'm running into other problems with that at the moment :).

Thanks guys!


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