How to use Apache 2 with HTTPS only?

Vinicius cviniciusm at
Wed Aug 2 00:38:37 UTC 2006

Tim escreveu:
> On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 02:53 -0300, Vinicius wrote:
>> I did do "RedirectPermanent /", but the site is
>> presenting an error.
> Which one?  The redirecting HTTP one, or the HTTPS one they're directed
> to?
>> Both the server and the client use certificates issued by a local CA,
>> and I created a SSLRequire rule to allow only the client to enter the
>> site. I think the SSL check failed because of the RedirectPermanent.
> More details needed.  Server configuration, the specific redirection
> rules, at least.


I did do the following:
1. created a CA certificate;
2. created a server certificate signed by the CA;
3. created a client certificate, CA as root; Imported it to Firefox;
4. created a "SSLRequire" rule to allow only this specific client to
enter the site. It checks the O, OU and the CN.
5. disabled the "Listen" Directive for HTTP.

Now, I would like to use DAV, but the application DAVExplorer's
( authentication fails with the message: "Connection
error: peer not
authenticated". I have entered the address https://localhost/upload .

The snippet of httpd.conf regarding DAV:
<Directory /var/www/upload>
Dav On
AuthName "Top Secret"
AuthUserFile /var/davpasswd
AuthType Basic

Any ideas, please?


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