X forwarding problem.

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Wed Aug 2 00:41:02 UTC 2006

Guillaume wrote:
> Hi...
> I have a problem with the X11 forwarding and the x server on my win32
> PC. I dont know if the problem come from the X server on the fedora or
> from Windows.
> When i run a graphical app from fedora (redirected tothe windows X
> server) all the fonts are very small. If i want to have a good size, i
> have to run the gnome-control-panel and re-set the size of the font i
> set many time ago. Is there a way to automaticly reload the X conf when
> the the X11 flow is redirected?
> I test many X server for win32; cygwin, Xming, Xwin32, Exceed... All the
> port of the Xorg x server (cygwin, Xwin32) have the same trouble i
> describe above.
> Do you know any other X server for windows less expensive than Exceed?
> I hope that someone could answer my questions.
> Thx.
You would have to change the settings of the Gnome desktop, not the
X server. When you run an X server on Windows, the X server settings
on the Linux machine have nothing to do with what you see. You do
not even have to have an X server running on the Linux machine.
Also, with most installs, the fonts the X server on the Windows
machine uses are on the Windows machine. You can reconfigure things
to use the font server on the Linux machine, but you have to change
the xfs settings on the Linux machine, and the X config on the
Windows machine. You also have to make sure the firewalls are set up

You may be able to tweak the server settings on the Windows machine
to display the fonts larger. Try setting the size of the desktop you
are using to a smaller one. You can also try making the window with
the X server full screen. If you are running your entire Gnome
desktop, and not just some of the programs, you are trying to fit
your entire desktop on the Linux machine into the X server window.
So everything is made smaller to fit.


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