how to extract tar archive with r-xr-xr-x perms on .

Charles Curley charlescurley at
Wed Aug 2 00:53:55 UTC 2006

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 04:22:47PM -0400, Chuck Anderson wrote:
> Please Cc: me on any replies.  Thanks.
> I have a tar archive that someone managed to create with no-readable 
> directories in it, including '.'
> dr-xr-xr-x user/group      0 2006-06-22 20:44 ./

I suspect there's the problem. Tar "restores" ., changing its
permissions as it goes.

Someone didn't follow ancient and venerable Unix custom by always
tarring the top directory that contains all the stuff you
want. Something like

tar -cvf foo.tar foo

(where foo contains pos and ssl) would have prevented this.

I suspect someone did something with a glob in it, like this:

cd foo
tar -cvf foo.tar *

Try this: Manually create the top level directories in the
tarball. Then untar. That might get you the files and lower


Charles Curley                  /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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