yum files?

James Wilkinson fedora at aprilcottage.co.uk
Wed Aug 2 06:28:23 UTC 2006

Phil asked:
> What directory do the yum downloads get saved in prior to being
> installed...?

Nigel Henry replied:
> Hi Phil. "yum clean" will clear the cache, and the old headers,
> and you'll find this stuff in /var/cache/yum.

Johannes Christian wrote:
> actually on fedora core 5, it will be automatically cleaned. It's not
> stored on hard drive CMIIW

On the assumption that "CMIIW" means "correct me if I'm wrong", I think
that's not *quite* accurate. Apart from the fact that you can change the
keepcache=0 line in /etc/yum.conf, man yum.conf says:
              Either ‘1’ or ‘0’. Determines whether or not yum keeps the cache
              of  headers  and packages after succesful installation.  Default
              is ’1’ (keep files)

So yes, downloads *are* (or should be: there have been bug-reports about
this functionality) stored on disk until there has been *a* successful
install. If, as happened in Phil's case, the update isn't successful,
they won't be cleared.

Hope this helps,


New address: james  | ... a sign carefully conveying in pictograms the fact
@aprilcottage.co.uk | that you should not leave wheelchairs on a certain river
                    | bank as they would roll down the hill and the crocs
                    | would eat the passenger.             -- Skud

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