Web-design in Fedora

Graham Cossey graham.cossey at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 10:12:45 UTC 2006

On 5/3/06, LinuxMedia <linuxmedia2 at netscape.net> wrote:
>  > Can anyone suggest a good tutorial or howto
>  > for someone designing a web-site (their first)
>  > intended to run under Apache/Fedora ?
>  > Any advice or suggestions gratefully received.
> I learned from a book called "HTML 4 for the world wide web" (fourth
> edition) by Elizabeth Castro. I can't imagine a better, easier book to
> follow and understand. And it's an extreemly good reference book. If you
> want to look up how to do something specific... you go right to that page.

I would certainly second that recommendation ;-)

That book helped me sooo much, together with the accompanying
Javascript book, but mostly that HTML book. Highly recommended for the
'beginner' and as a quick reference/reminder source.

Beyond the basics, I always head to http://www.w3schools.com/ it's an
excellent resource.


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