Process memory question.

Andy Green andy at
Wed Aug 2 10:37:43 UTC 2006

Dan Track wrote:

>> VmSize:   118432 kB
>> VmLib:     35996 kB

> Thanks for the reply. It helps a lot. Is there a way to remove
> references to the shared libs? Actually as an additional point
> wouldn't we need to include the shared libs in the memory calculation
> as they are being used by the process, or is my understanding lacking?

Looks like


shown above might be the total shared lib footprint used by the process. 
  In which case subtract it from the headline figure.  But of course in 
the case where only this process pulls in a particular shared lib, you 
are better leaving that part in the usage figure... but there is no 
per-lib breakdown AFAIK so "memory usage" is a bit of a fuzzy concept.

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