Hardware Compatibility

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Wed Aug 2 19:37:46 UTC 2006

Arun Binaykia wrote:
> Hello All,
> Does FC4 have sata compatibility?
> I am unable to load FC4 on ASUS A8V-MX with sata 80G drives. I dont have
> bandwidth to download FC5. Till I get hold of it I only have FC4. Found
> out that the sata is not supported by any flavor of linux.
> What are the places to look for checking hardware compatibility with
> linux before purchasing any hardware?
> Arun

Funny, I have 4 SATA drives in my desktop at home.  All recognized by 
FC4.  ASUS A7N8X Mother board.

Does the BIOS see the drive and under what format does the drive show 
up?  Is there a bios switch to change the drive?  What controller is 
used on that motherboard?  Is the latest BIOS installed?  Are you trying 
to use the RAID features?  If so, this could be your problem.

My drives show up in the bios when the computer boots and is displayed 
on the the boot screen.  It also shows the SATA controller on this screen.

Heck, I ran FC 2 on this machine with 2 SATA drives.  Sil 3112A controller.

Robin Laing

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