gnome vs vpnclient

Jack Howarth howarth at
Wed Aug 2 21:15:57 UTC 2006

    Has anyone else run into the following problem. After installing
the Cisco vpnclient on a Fedora Core 4 machine running the latest
kernel, I was able to use 'vpnclient connect' to connect to our
campus vpn network. However, I find that at that point the gnome
desktop is unable to open new terminal windows until I exit the
vpnclient (terminating the vpn session). At that point, all of the
gnome terminals that I tried to launch appear at once. I have the
machine set to use dhcp to obtain its ip address. Our network folks
don't see this problem on their Ubuntu linux boxes. It would appear
that the gnome desktop isn't properly using the localhost to
authenicate new windows but is relying instead of the hostname
obtained by dhcp. I assume this changes when vpn is active and
is causing the problem. Thanks in advance for any advice on
how to fix this.

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