David Scriven davidwriter at
Thu Aug 3 03:48:49 UTC 2006

--- Ed Hill <ed at> wrote:

> On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 21:30 -0400, David Scriven wrote:
> > Hi Ed,
> > 
> > No, not for installed Matlab, but for stand-alone applications
> > on machines that don't have Matlab installed, so no, I don't
> > believe I'm doing anything wrong.
> Ok, I misunderstood the "stand-alone" part.
> So, exactly what isn't working for you?  Your description is pretty
> vague.
> If all you want to do is set some environment variables, then there
> are
> many ways to accomplish that.  One quick/easy method is to "wrap"
> your
> executable by writing a shell script that sets all the necessary
> environment vars, etc. before calling the actual executable.  Many
> programs use such a wrapper strategy.
> Ed

That's a solution, but it becomes a nuisance when deploying 
a number of different applications. I was trying MatLAB's 
recommended approach which was to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH 

What I don't understand is why one cannot set LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
in /etc/profile.

If you put
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/matlabpath" (say)

export RUBBISH

in /etc/profile
you'll find that RUBBISH is set but LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not 
set after login.  

One can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH manually - ie. from the prompt
and things work fine.

My guess that somewhere it is being UNSET, but I can't figure 
out where. This happens on different machines running either 
FC4 or FC5.


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